An initiative of the COOLIDGE CORNER THEATRE
with major support from the ALFRED P. SLOAN FOUNDATION.

  • Sensible Cybersecurity


    Featured Speaker: Jeff Sisolak, CISM, CISA

    Sunday, March 23 at 5:00pm - FREE ADMISSION

    Cybersecurity is complex, and the steps for securing personal information can seem daunting. In a short presentation before the film, cybersecurity consultant Jeff Sisolak will share sensible tips for protecting personal information that can be implemented by anyone.

    A Q&A session will be held after the screening.

  • Uncovering the Mystery of our Hidden Waterways

  • Film:    LOST RIVERS
        with short documentary FRESHWATER

    Presented in collaboration with Friends of the Rouge

    Featured Speakers:
        Dr. Jacob Napieralski, Ph.D.
        Dr. Marie Garcia, Ph.D.
        Nancy Darga, Landscape Architect

    Tuesday, March 25 at 7:00pm - FREE ADMISSION

    In honor of World Water Day, Dr. Jacob Napieralski, Ph.D., Dr. Marie Garcia, Ph.D., and Landscape Architect Nancy Darga, will lead a discussion and a post screening Q&A session about the importance of preserving our waterways and bringing awareness to the "lost rivers" that exist in our community.

  • Understanding Autism

  • Film:    ADAM

    Featured Speaker:    Dr. Megan Burke, MD

    Friday, April 11 at 7:00pm - FREE ADMISSION

    Dr. Burke is a developmental behavioral pediatrician at CS Mott Children's Hospital specializing in autism assessment and elimination disorders. She will give an overview of autism spectrum disorder, how it's diagnosed, and challenge common misconceptions.
    A Q & A session will follow the screening

  • Puppies Helping People


    Featured Speakers:
        Dr. Sarah Hinkley, O.D.
        Melanie Elliott, Doctoral Candidate

    Saturday, April 12 at 7:00pm - FREE ADMISSION

    Dr. Sarah Hinkley, O.D. and doctoral candidate Melanie Elliott from Michigan College of Optometry will present information about how our eyes work and what happens when they do not work as expected. The experts will explore low vision, blindness, and other visual impairments and how people living with these conditions can lead productive lives because of advances in medical and assistance technology.

    Representatives from Leader Dogs for the Blind will also be on site to discuss their important role in changing thousands of lives and bringing new hope and independence to those with visual impairments. A demonstration of the Penn Theatre's Dolby Accessibility Solution system will also be featured.

  • Birders: Connecting with Nature


    Featured Speaker:
        Natalie Cypher, Educator
        Michigan Department of Natural Resources

    Thursday, April 24 at 7:00pm - FREE ADMISSION

    Natalie Cypher from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources will provide an engaging presentation about birding within our community and the importance of habitat preservation. A Q & A session will follow the film screening.

    Natalie has worked as an Educator for the Michigan DNR Outdoor Adventure Center (OAC) since its opening in 2015. While she loves teaching about all sorts of natural resource-related topics, she is particularly passionate about introducing folks to birding and bird conservation. She leads monthly Birding Belle Isle programs in addition to other birding experiences through the OAC. In her spare time, Natalie enjoys vegetable gardening, native plant landscaping, and of course, birding. She and her husband Paul live in New Boston, MI with their cat, Herbie, and their backyard chicken flock, each named after a brilliant female scientist.

  • Pollinators: Unsung Heroes of our Human Existence


    Featured Speaker:
        Carly Cirilli, co-founder of Plymouth Pollinators

    Saturday, June 14 at 7:00pm - FREE ADMISSION

    President of Plymouth Pollinators, Carly Cirilli will present interesting insight into the importance of our vulnerable pollinator population and present ways that our community can help protect these tiny creatures and preserve their habitat for the good of humanity.
    A Q & A session will also follow the film screening.